General planetary influences

The coordinates of the planets and houses
Sun Virgo 26° 26'
Moon Aries 7° 21'
Mercury Virgo 16° 11'
Venus Libra 24° 50'
Mars Cancer 8° 14'
Jupiter Gemini 20° 39'
Saturn Pisces 15° 13'
Uranus Taurus 27° 8'
Neptune Pisces 28° 34'
Pluto Capricorn 29° 46'
NDE Aries 6° 37'
ASC Cancer 23° 58'
II Leo 7° 51'
III Leo 25° 16'
IV Virgo 20° 5'
V Libra 28° 23'
VI Sagittarius 17° 28'
VII Capricorn 23° 58'
VIII Aquarius 7° 51'
IX Aquarius 25° 16'
MC Pisces 20° 5'
XI Aries 28° 23'
XII Gemini 17° 28'
Lunar Eclipse
18.09.2024 05:34
25° 41'

The eclipse adds to the tension and unpredictability of the situation. During the days following the eclipse, special care is recommended, it’s no good starting new projects, have important meetings, sign important documents. Start the matters of moment two weeks after the eclipse is over. The time around the eclipse is deemed complicated and poorly controlled. There is higher chance of various crises, of social, political, economic, man-caused and environmental origin.

Solar Eclipse
02.10.2024 21:49
10° 04'

The eclipse adds to the tension and unpredictability of the situation. During the days following the eclipse, special care is recommended, it’s no good starting new projects, have important meetings, sign important documents. Start the matters of moment two weeks after the eclipse is over. The time around the eclipse is deemed complicated and poorly controlled. There is higher chance of various crises, of social, political, economic, man-caused and environmental origin.

День планеты
Thursday - Jupiter

The Day of Jupiter. Energy of Jupiter may facilitate increased activity, expanding our horizons, expansion of our capabilities, an optimistic attitude to life. These energies favor the start of promising projects, great undertakings and plans in general, and development of plans. Symbolics of Jupiter is favorable for prominent meetings and events. It is good to start voyages, trips, communicate with the representatives of other states and cultures, education and training. To request help and support, meet famous and status persons. To solve legal issues, for foreign projects. Fortunate for public and political events, advertizing campaigns.

Градус Солнца
Градус Солнца 26° 26′ Virgo

The degree of the Sun and Sagittarius. Venus in fall.

Alcoholism, passivity, fears, indecision, the death of talent, the collapse of illusions. Ruthlessness to others, displacement of complexes on others (ASA). Frivolity, trading tendencies, Bright’s disease and nephritis (Kefer). Degree of painting (deVore)

"A group of aristocrats at a court ceremony". Ability to continue a venerable tradition in order to maintain cultural norms of excellence. Refinement. Inner sense of modest superiority; or just self-satisfaction. Prestigious position (Radjar)

Фазы Луны
Waning Gibbous. Third phase

Decrescent moon (from Full Moon till Dark Moon). Tt is time when the Moon follows the Sun. It is time when it is better to work on quality assurance, iron out details, bring to the due level. Any types of fasting diets, fasts, cleansing procedures are better to carry out in the decrescent Moon. It is believed that parting with something you want to get rid of and completing something are more efficient in the decrescent Moon. For example, leaving your current job in the decrescent Moon is preferable, and starting the new one is better with the increscent Moon.

The third phase (180-270). You are about to implement your plans. You are clear that your efforts were not for nothing. A peak of lunar energy is over and specific goals are reached. Things you did will undergo checking. It is the time to communicate with prominent figures and use what you have spent a lot of time and effort on. You should try to assess what you’ve obtained and make respective conclusions. It is not the time to correct mistakes yet, but make a note of things going not quite as they were planned. Possibly, you got some advice and recommendations during the Full Moon, you should assess their quality and speculate whether it is worth following them. Some old relations and affairs may come out towards the end of the third quarter, asking for your attention.

Луна в знаке
Луна in Aries 00:00 - 24:00

When the Moon passes over this bright fiery sign, it’s good to start businesses, requiring energy and initiative, which may be accomplished fast, in one step. Enthusiasm should be enough for one powerful flush. Such Moon does not incline to perseverance. There may be violent surge of emotions in family circle, resulting in conflicts. Thus it is better to switch over to sports or active, dynamic work. It is a good time to maintain your car and other equipment, for walking tours. Remember to be careful while working with sharp tools and fire in such period and "in the cold light of day" for sure. Chose hot dishes to cook food, but those, prepared not too long. It is nice to make trimming and weeding in the garden. You may plant and seed, but the fast growing cultures only, for example, herbaceous plants, and in summer only, but not in March or April, when the Moon passes over the sign of Aries in the period of dark moon, which is unfavorable for planting. You may plant seedlings in winter.

Аспекты Луны
Moon square Mars 01:27

There is increased probability of accidents, traumas and conflicts. Be careful in transport, while doing sports, at physical activities. There may be difficulties in private life. Anger and irritation can push to rash words and actions. There might be situations related to competition and risk. It is hard to manage energy, both yours and theirs.

Moon sextile Jupiter 21:11

This time is favorable for intense activity, business, implementation of goals, planning, meetings, workshops, communication with top persons, starting travelling and trips, for everything related to education, studies, for foreign projects, advertisement, presentations, social events, solving of legal issues. As well as for projects and events of spiritual and charity origin.

Лунный день
Seventeenth lunar day 00:00 - 18:52

Symbol - a bunch of grapes, a bell, a tocsin.

Energy of this day contributes to acquisition of inner freedom, it is the day of joy and abreaction. The best day for festivities and celebrations, where do not be boring and cheerless.

The day is good to start new and important engagements. One of the best days for conclusion of marriage, based on love. Favorable for marital relations, couple relations. The brightest feature to describe this day is love, but do not lose your head and consciousness: it contains plenty of surprises due to uncontrolled energies. The day is related to female energy transformation, and unprocessed female energy may reveal as rampage, and involuntary output.

The day will not bring good luck to loners, egoists, boring and withdrawn people.

One of the few days of the lunar months, when some amount of alcohol brings no harm. Recommended drinks are dry wine or church wine. But, retain a sense of proportion, as this day brings about a huge volume of uncontrolled energy and contains plenty of surprises due to uncontrolled energies.

It is desired that you spend the seventeenth Lunar day as the day of communications, joy and emancipation, a day of speeches, songs. The outcomes of this day may vary much: access to the key to perfect love at the top level, rampage and excessive drinking at the lowest. This day is good for marriages held on love for a long time. In general, the 12th, the 16th and the 17th lunar days are good for marriages marriage on the 16th day reposes on harmony, on the 12th day- on the divine love).

Stones - clear amethyst, crow and hawk’s eye, zircon.

Eighteenth lunar day 18:52 - 24:00

Symbol - a monkey, a mirror, ice.

Energy of the day makes a person passive. There is increased danger of succumbing to alien influence, starting to imitate someone else or follow someone else’s thoughts. This day may be the one of insidious deceptions and seductions, masks and intrigues. People may unwittingly play false with each other. It is recommended to watch out for your bad habits and thoughts, give up egoism and vanity, illusions and base instincts, try to see yourself through others’ eyes and evaluate objectively. 

The day is related to imitation, mimicry, passive following of others thoughts. You need to work with your bad and impure thoughts; develop an objective view of the world, try to see yourself through others’ eyes, give up illusions and base instincts. The image of the Snow Queen from the fairytale by Andersen is played out just on the 18th day. Things occuring on the 18th lunar day, shall be the mirror reversal of our inward nature and reveals us what we have accumulated in our life.

Excessive drinking, smoking are off-limits this day, fast and evacuation of bowels are recommended, as well as sauna and rejuvenescence procedures. As for medical matters, pay attention to kidneys: they are suppressed this day. Skin diseases may manifest this day, hidden wounds may open (be careful of any diagnoses and treatment). If there is something alike, the person has infringed the law of cosmic evolution. Clean your skin, make massage, lavation, renewal of youth, steam baths, sleep less, otherwise you will get up broken. Meat food is not advisable, prefer nuts, more vegetable oil (including massage ointment). A person getting sick this day may stay in bed with no recovery for long.

Stones - white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

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