ExampleHoroskope | Health Horoscope |
Period | Monthly |
Starting date | 2017.03.04. |
Ending date | 2017.04.03. |
The most important influence of the slow planets this month
Stressful interaction Saturn with the Sun of your horoscope
This is a difficult, stressful and challenging period for health. Possible problem areas are the cardiovascular system, bones, joints, and skin. The existing chronic diseases may get worse. Also, the increased susceptibility to colds, constipation and other diseases is typical, due to the lack of heat, power, and physical activity. Exercise should be feasible, without extremes. At such times, you may have a lot of work to do, but do not forget about rest.
ActStressful interaction Neptune Jupiter of your horoscope
In case of chronic diseases or predisposition, the probability of liver and biliary tract diseases, blood diseases, and hypertensive crises increases. It is particularly recommended to pay attention to preventive and wellness events during this period for those who have high blood pressure and suffer from obesity. The increased vulnerability is typical of the hip region. It is recommended to refrain from excesses and overloads. Pay attention to the metabolism and the ecological purity of products you consume. Pay attention to the biochemistry of the body, hormonal balance.
ActDuring this month, while there are rather energetic and long-term effects short-term influences also manifest themselves and might be important.
Stressful interaction of the Sun Jupiter of your horoscope
This influence may lead to overestimation of your energy or overeating. Avoid stress on the liver and heart; take care of the blood pressure. It is desirable to avoid fat, sweets, and alcohol. Be careful with exercise and work. Excessive activity may lead to dangerous situations. Do not disregard routine or doctors’ instructions. Be careful when traveling.
Effective 04.03 - 05.03Stressful interaction Mercury Jupiter of your horoscope
This effect may lead to the overestimation of your energy and capabilities, ruining your endurance, producing fatigue, and creating stressful situations. You may get lost in details and miss the point. Do not overload your liver; it is better to eat less and more often. Do not give in to pessimism and hypochondria. Mind your blood pressure.
Effective 05.03 - 06.03Favorable interaction of the Sun Venus of your horoscope
This effect gives positive energy and helps stay in peace and harmony with yourself and others. You may be sure that love and beauty will have a therapeutic effect. Have wellness sessions, deal with beautiful things, and go on a date. This effect is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the throat, kidneys, skin and urogenital system. Visits to beautician are also good. At this time, it is good to combine entertainment and recreational activities. This effect may cause the desire to eat more of everything, so it pays off to keep the process under control.
Effective 06.03 - 08.03Favorable interaction Mars with the Sun of your horoscope
This influence favors active lifestyle, giving rise to energy, courage and determination, and enhancing immunity. Good time for sporting activities, physical activities. Strengthen your cardiovascular system.
Effective 06.03 - 09.03Favorable interaction Mercury Venus of your horoscope
Effective 06.03 - 07.03Interaction of the Sun Saturn of your horoscope
This effect may cause acute stone disease in kidneys or liver, age-related diseases, dental problems, musculoskeletal disorders, and fatigue. Take care of your joints and avoid hypothermia. Excessive physical activity is contraindicated, since you may experience a decrease in your body’s resistance. You may face the consequences of excessive pleasures or unhealthy lifestyle.
Effective 06.03 - 08.03Interaction Mercury Saturn of your horoscope
This effect may cause the deterioration of health and create constraints, including those related to your physical condition. There may be situations leading to nervous tension and concerns. It is important not to work too much.
Effective 07.03 - 08.03Stressful interaction Mercury Mars of your horoscope
This effect may reduce your mental and physical activity, provoke erroneous actions, arouse the spirit of resistance, in relation to the doctors’ advice too. You are increasingly prone to accidents and traumas. Take care of your head, and be careful while driving. Avoid aggressive reactions, both yours and those of other people. Do not get involved in the controversial and dangerous situations, because they may be harmful to health. There is danger of cuts, burns, insect bites, road and work accidents, and acute inflammatory processes.
Effective 11.03 - 12.03Favorable interaction Mars Moon of your horoscope
This effect produces a fighting spirit, confidence in your physical strength, and increases your body’s resistance. Good time for outdoor activities for the whole family; it is better to do them in the open air. This is also good time for steam baths and saunas. Harmony in the family life also improves your mood and makes you feel good.
Effective 12.03 - 14.03Stressful interaction Mercury with the Sun of your horoscope
This effect may cause minor ailments; discomfort in the chest is possible. You will be able to find reasons for being nervous and upset and being guided by disappointing data and pessimistic forecasts. It is not worth to waste time on convincing others that you are right - it is only extra stress.
Effective 12.03 - 13.03Stressful interaction of the Sun Mars of your horoscope
This effect enhances aggressiveness and may lead to overstimulation and irritability. It increases the risk of injuries, especially those of the head and face, assaults and violent acts by others. It may lead to fevers, insomnia, headaches, acute inflammatory processes with high temperature, burns, cuts, or exhaustion. Cardiovascular system is vulnerable. Be careful with physical exertion.
Effective 15.03 - 17.03Stressful interaction Mercury Mercury of your horoscope
This effect increases the anxiety and nervousness, in particular because of various organizational and transport problems and delays. It may be difficult to focus on issues, which will be bad for work requiring concentration. Try to keep the room where you are aired and dust-free. Avoid stressful situations and intellectual overload. Respiratory and nervous systems are vulnerable; stomach disorders are possible. Be careful with transport.
Effective 17.03 - 18.03Stressful interaction of the Sun with the Sun of your horoscope
This effect does not contribute to physical activity; the activity and energy may decrease or decline. The risk of injuries, accidents, and conflicts that may harm your health is high. Cardiovascular system, spine, and eyes are vulnerable. Be careful when sunbathing. It is better if you act without haste and do not count on the quick result of recreational activities.
Effective 18.03 - 20.03Favorable interaction Mars Mercury of your horoscope
This effect enhances the uptake and accelerates thinking. You may navigate faster, make decisions easier, and actively engage in your health. Now breakthrough is possible both in case of a sickness and if diagnosis is being made. This is a good time to start classes of breathing techniques and physical exercise in the fresh air.
Effective 20.03 - 23.03Favorable interaction Mercury Jupiter of your horoscope
This effect contributes to new opportunities, including the improvement of the quality of health services you receive. It is good for check-ups and discussing your future treatments or prevention. You may purchase new health insurance which is better for you or start a recreational trip to a more favorable climate, better specialists, or nicer environment. Good time for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, liver, and for pressure stabilization.
Effective 20.03 - 21.03Stressful interaction Mercury Venus of your horoscope
This effect may produce predisposition to colds and poisoning. Take care of your throat and respiratory system. It is better to stay away from those who annoy you; do not waste energy and health on clarifying the controversies in the relationship. Focus on comfortable clothes which correspond to the weather.
Effective 22.03 - 23.03Stressful interaction of the Sun Mercury of your horoscope
This influence may agitate your nervous system; you may experience anxiety; it may be difficult to transfer your thoughts to speech; hysterical states, unpleasant sensations in the arms and shoulders may take place. There is probability of catching an infection. Exacerbation of respiratory diseases, colon, and appendicitis are possible. It is important to respect your need to have rest after work and avoid areas with polluted air. Recreational trips may cause deteriorating of your health.
Effective 27.03 - 29.03Favorable interaction Mercury with the Sun of your horoscope
This influence stimulates wellness activities; it is conducive to breathing exercises and gymnastics and promotes physical activity and vigor. Active lifestyle may favorably affect your nervous and cardiovascular system and brain activity. Beneficial effects will be produced by walks and exercise in the fresh air.
Effective 29.03 - 31.03Favorable interaction Mars Venus of your horoscope
This effect contributes to the promotion of your plans, especially those which depend on others. Cheery party could benefit to your health and cheer you up. This is a good time to visit a beautician and for prevention and treatment of diseases of the throat, kidneys, urinary tract, thyroid, and allergies. But do it without fanaticism and under the supervision of qualified professionals.
Effective 01.04 - 03.04Favorable interaction Mars Saturn of your horoscope
This influence may promote the advancement to your goals and approaching the official medical institutions. You may arrange appointments with the right professionals to get experts’ help. Good time for the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, colds, allergies, the diseases of bones and joints. This effect produces chances for quick recovery. Drink lots of fluids.
Effective 01.04 - 03.04Favorable interaction of the Sun Jupiter of your horoscope
This effect increases vitality, gives rise to the creative inspiration, and enhances optimism. All this is beneficial to your health. This time is good for sport and active recreation, the prevention and treatment of the diseases of the liver, and for stabilizing the blood pressure. Go on a wellness trip or participate in spa treatment.
Effective 02.04 - 03.04Favorable interaction Mercury Moon of your horoscope
This influence favors wellness activities for you and your loved ones, as well as consultations with a GP. A healthy diet, fresh air, exercise, and positive emotions will be good for your health. Good time for walks and socializing with people having soothing effect on you.
Effective 02.04 - 03.04
Astrological forecast is based on the basis of a joint analysis of your birth chart (horoscope), and the exact position of the planets in the forecast period. Based on your birth data we computed and built your individual horoscope, and then analyzed the most significant astrological influence (the motion of planets), consistently, day after day during the forecast period and their impact on your horoscope. As the result we provide you with the individual for you forecast of the major astrological influences. They create a wide range of opportunities and wide range of challenges, thus giving you the choice for certain actions. Provide, but do not oblige. The choice is always yours! Knowing the nature of the effects and time when they are most strongly manifested, you can estimate the degree of difficulty and time to take advantage of these opportunities. You even get the creator of your destiny. The forecast provides guidance to the nature of the effects, the intervals of time when they are most strongly exist: recommendations regarding the optimal behavior during these time intervals in order to achieve success and stability in business. This allows at any time to tailor one’s life to cosmic rhythms, unbreakable connection with which is predetermined by nature.
Planetary influences may occur with varying degrees of strength. They can either reinforce each other or contradict each other. Not all the influences can be felt, understood, lead to significant events. In the case of conflicting trends it makes sense to rely on favorable ones and be attentive to matters in those areas for which there is intense impact. ’Tense’, ’conflict’ and ’complex’ effects suggest that the situation in your life needs some changes and it is likely that they will occur. This is the most intense time, which requires understanding of the situation, switching on and studying, usage of energy and strength. Then the changes may be important and positive, this can become the move to another level. ’Tense’ aspects can also mean that you will be emotional, irritable, agitated, aggressive more than the usual, so during this time be rigorous to yourself, control yourself and be critical. The presence of intense effects does not mean that you should refuse things that are important to you, you simply need to assess the influence of the circumstances at the moment and make the most rational decision. To neutralize difficult situations try to use time when there are favorable influences along with the tense influences. Favorable influences suggest that the time is good for a particular action and result in this field will be easier to achieve than at any other time. They also point out that this is the best time to reveal your talents, abilities, your potential.